Virtual Work Experience Opportunities
Tuesday 14th January at 4.30pm (virtual session hosted on MS Teams)
Student year groups 7-9 England & Wales, S1-S3 Scotland, 8-10 Northern Ireland
“Quick with the facts, help the NHS be swift to react!”
A 45-minute briefing with the NHS team
Complete the career challenge at their own pace
Certification awarded on completion
Register now! (students)
Wednesday 15th January at 5pm (virtual session hosted on MS Teams)
Student year groups 10-13 England & Wales, S4-S6 Scotland, 11-14 Northern Ireland
After a sudden bump and fall, should they visit A&E or is first aid enough for all?
A 45-minute briefing with the NHS team
Complete the career challenge at their own pace
Certification awarded on completion
Register now! (students)