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Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance

Deri O’Regan
Headteacher/Careers Leader
Tel: 01284 761393


Applications to Long Road SFC


Applications by Year 11 students to Long Road Sixth Form College (LRSFC) are still open. For more information about applying, click here Take a look at LRSFC’s Scholars’ Award offer of £500 to high achieving students too!

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Exclusive Q&A with Astronaut Tim Peake


Would you like to know how to become an Astronaut or what life is like in Space? If you have a question for UK Astronaut Tim Peake, now is your chance to ask it! The Future Talent Group, in partnership with Barclays Life Skills, are hosting an exclusive Question and Answer session with UK Astronaut […]

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Create Your Optimum Study/ Revision Timetable


The Student Room are offering a free tool to effectively plan and organise your study and revision. Click here to sign up and start creating your individual timetable to make the most of your home learning and keep you on track! Time management is an important employability skill – this is a great way to […]

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Careers in Construction


Take a look at the The Suffolk Joint Construction Committee website to explore the range of careers available within the Construction industry

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Step into the NHS


Click here to explore careers in the NHS and find out more about what life is like as part of our national healthcare system.

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Spotlights on inspiring Careers & Apprenticeships


WorldSkills UK Live: Thursday 26 – Saturday 28 November 2020 (inclusive) In partnership with BAE Systems, WordSkills UK will bring together the UK’s leading employers and apprentices to share inspirational information about technical career routes and apprenticeships in their Spotlight Talks on Careers, Apprenticeships and excellence. For more information click here

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Autumn Work Experience for Years 10 & 11


InvestIN is offering intensive work experience in Medicine, Business, STEM, Law and Politics and the Creative industries. Click here for more information about the courses and fees. Bursaries are now available for students having free school meals and those who are carers or are in care. Please click here to find out more.

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British Army Funding for Sixth Form and University


For students who have their heart set on becoming an Army Officer and are still at school, the Army Scholarship supports students through sixth form and university. Students receive £3,000 in the sixth form, and a minimum of £6,000 at university which can be upgraded to one of the other bursaries. For more information click […]

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