Report a Concern


Headteacher: Deri O’Regan

To send us a message, please fill out the form.

Grove Road
Bury St Edmunds
Suffolk, IP33 3BH

Telephone: +44 (0) 1284 761393

Our receptionist, Mrs Carr will be happy to deal with any enquires you may have.


FOI/Data Management enquiries:

If you would like a paper copy of any information on our website, please email the school. This will be provided free of charge to Parents/Carers.

Some calls may be recorded for quality and training purposes.

Chair of Governors: Rachel Cannon


    Step 1: Your details

    Step 2: Your message

    Step 3: Request literature

    Step 4: Check & send

    When you are happy that you have filled out the form (including the required fields) hit send and we will deal with your enquiry as soon as we can.