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Careers Programme

The KEVI planned Careers programme aims to provide our students with a comprehensive and accessible insight into the world of work. Aligned with the Gatsby Benchmarks for good career guidance, our programme is summarised below.

Key Stage 3:

Year 7: students explore their own interests and character strengths in order to understand how these link with their curriculum learning and future career options.

Year 8: students start to learn about the practices that support their studies and workplace competences e.g. learning styles and valuing diversity and difference; they explore careers and connect with employers at our annual Careers Fair.

Year 9: students receive information about their options and guidance as to how their choices will impact on future pathways; they explore careers and connect with employers at our annual Careers Fair.

By introducing careers and employability education and experiences from Year 7 we aim to help our students choose subject combinations in year 9 that create the right pathways for individual aspirations post-16.

Key Stage 4:

Year 10: Students learn about employability skills needed for work experience and job applications. Students explore careers and connect with employers at our annual Careers Fair.

Year 11: Students in Year 11 are supported in their choices post-16 through information assemblies that introduce further education, employment and training options, including apprenticeships and 1:1 interviews with the Careers Co-ordinator. Students explore careers
and connect with employers at our annual Careers Fair.

We use a virtual careers platform for all students in Years 7 to 11. This online platform (Xello) includes a variety of tools and resources tailored to year groups and abilities to ensure accessibility for every student.

Our Careers Education IAG programme is reviewed regularly to ensure we are offering the best careers provision to our KEVI students.


National Careers Week 2024



Careers Programme

2022-23 Year 11 Destinations Data

Get Job Ready!

Higher Education (HE)

LMI (Labour Market Information)

Our Alumni

Parents and Carers



SEND and Careers

Useful Careers Websites

Work Experience (WEX)