CVs and cover letters |
CVs are tricky to get right and the success of a job application often hinges on your cover letter. If you’re in need of expert CV and cover letter advice then you’ve come to the right place. Discover how to write them, mistakes to avoid and a variety of CV and cover letter examples to help you target your application to the company.
Interview tips |
Calm your interview nerves with this advice on the best ways to prepare for an interview, example interview questions, tips on interview technique, practice psychometric tests, and help with phone and video interviews.
Skills for Jobs (
One old job advert may be of little use. But millions of these adverts can provide a detailed picture of the latest skills needed in hundreds of different occupations. This simple tool aims to show the potential value in old job adverts. For each occupation the tool provides a Skills Map using millions of UK job adverts.
All about your skills | My World of Work
From school lessons to team sports, work to socialising – we build skills in many ways. You use these skills in different parts of life and they help you stand out from the crowd. Whether you’re applying for a job, an apprenticeship or university, it’s important to show what skills you have and how you use them.
Career Planner | What job should I do? |
Career Planner matches your skills, motivations and desires to a career that’s perfect for you.
Find out your personality type and what jobs might suit you!
Young People hub (
Are you ready to think about the areas you might like to develop further? The Barclays Young People hub provides free resources to help students 14+ to support their future.
Careerpilot : Get information : Careerometer
Use the Careerometer to compare different jobs.
Websites that provide information on a range of jobs and the entry requirements