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Parents and Carers

Here are some useful resources to help you support your child through their learning and explore their future career pathways.

Click here for the latest (Spring Term 2022) Parent and Carer Careers update

Creating your Xello Family Account   
Please read this letter, complete the attached slip and return to Student Services after Easter if you would like to set up a Family Account, linked to your child(ren)’s Xello account.


For parents and carers of Year 11 students

See our Daily Bulletin for a list of upcoming Open Events at Further Education (FE) and Sixth Form Colleges

Department for Education Post-16 Choices   A short video outlining the main options for your child after Year 11
See our Post-16 web page for additional information.

What is Further Education and how do Diploma courses compare to A levels?
Find out more here:

Click here to access HM Government ASK programme’s April Parents’ and carers’ Pack: Helping your child search and apply for apprenticeships

Explore more apprenticeship resources on our Apprenticeships web page.

The Parents Guide to Virtual Work Experience – Why it might help your child stand out

Virtual work experience, also referred to as online, remote or digital work experience, provides young people with the opportunity to gain experience in the workplace, develop their skills, boost their employability and explore new industries and job roles. Click on the link above to find out more.

National Careers Week 2022 (NCW) ran from 7-13 March 2022 and a number of useful resources are available to help you support your child in making their career choices. Here is a link to the Parents’ Guide to Careers for NCW 2022.

The Parents' Guide to NCW 2022 2.jpg



“The Parent Perspective” 8-part Podcast
Parents and carers are one of the biggest influencers on a young person making their career decisions.

This podcast
will provide a space for parents and carers to:

  • Explore which careers are available today
  • Showcase the experiences of interesting and diverse role models
  • Provide real-time insights into how the world of work is changing

Each episode will feature a panel of diverse parents, bringing their questions and insights to expert speakers to try to tackle and offer practical solutions to some of the challenges parents currently face in supporting their children to make informed decisions.

Careermag for Parents/Carers

Understanding the teen brain


National Careers Week 2024



Careers Programme

2022-23 Year 11 Destinations Data

Employability Skills

Higher Education (HE)

LMI (Labour Market Information)

Our Alumni

Parents and Carers



SEND and Careers

Useful Careers Websites

Work Experience (WEX)