Lost Property
We make every effort to return lost property to their respective owners via their Year Teams and have a centralised location for lost property. This has now moved from next to Student Services or outside the SBM Office to the small room inside RESET. This is accessible before school and after school and during break and lunchtime.
Misplaced items discovered at school often have no name attached to them. Parents/ Carers, please make every effort to write your child/ren’s name on their belongings. If your child misplaces an item, please remind them to retrace their movements through the school and check in lost property to see whether it has been turned in. Please note, we are unable to retain items for longer than a term at a time, due to storage constraints, so please remind your child/ren to regularly check lost property and pick up their lost items.
Water Bottles
Coats and Jumpers
Gloves and Hats
Trousers and Skirts