Jumpers and sweatshirts
Black v-neck pullover with embroidered crest. You will be expected to wear this around school in the winter season (October to May half-term)
- No other pullover, sweatshirt or hoodie may be worn around the school site
White shirt with embroidered school crest. Shirts must always be tucked in
- Plain white shirts or polo shirts may not be worn
- Any t-shirt worn beneath the school shirt must be plain white
Coats, jackets and hoodies
Outdoor coats may be worn in public areas of school, but not in classrooms, the Library, or in assemblies
Plain black (not grey) tailored trousers
- Not denim or corduroy; not cut away at the bottom; not tight-fitting or leggings-style; no stitched-on/patch pockets. Trousers should not drag on the floor. If in doubt, ask advice before buying. Belts should be in a plain style and black
Skirts and shorts
Trousers are standard uniform for all students. However, skirts may be worn as an alternative to trousers and tailored shorts may be worn during the Summer term only. For those choosing to wear skirts, they must purchase the official school skirt which is tailored, pleated and just above the knee.
- No other types of skirt may be worn (eg straight ribbed, or those made of stretchy fabric). Skirts must be worn properly without being rolled up.
Black formal shoes with black soles.
- Trainers – black or otherwise-are never worn at school, except when playing sport. Canvas shoes and plimsolls may not be worn
Socks should be plain black or white if worn with trousers/skirts. White socks must not be worn with black tights
Jewellery should be kept to a minimum. Students may wear one metal stud in each ear. A thin metal necklace and a single charity bracelet also allowed. No other jewellery (including coloured earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets) may be worn. No piercings other than ear piercings are allowed.
Hair, Headgear and sunglasses
Hairstyles which attract undue attention are not allowed-eg hair dyed different colours, stripes, shaven styles such as tramlines, and so on. Hair should not he either so long or so short that it gains attention. It is important to contact your Year Head before having a hairstyle which may be considered excessive. Hats, caps and other headgear should not be worn on the school site, except outdoors on hot days in the summer.
Fashion belts (decorated, coloured or very large and/or worn with skirts) are not allowed
PE Kit
Acceptable Use of IT and Mobile Phones
- Please see our Acceptable use of ICT and mobile phones policy
Hygiene and health & safety issues
- Students should come to school clean and well presented
- Students are encouraged to bath or shower daily, and ensure that their feet are well looked after
- Athlete’s foot or other types of foot skin issues can be avoided by choosing appropriate socks, and by using foot powders
- Students are strongly warned that they should not have any piercings done which would necessitate the use of a ‘sleeper’ or temporary clear piercing, as these will not be allowed. Aside from basic, traditional ear-rings, piercings are considered a health and safety risk
- Deodorant should be applied before coming to school. Deodorants can be applied in PE changing rooms but should be the roll-on variety (to avoid eye and lung irritation in confined spaces). Aerosols are not allowed in school and if confiscated will only be returned to a parent / carer
- Sun cream should be applied before school when any student is expecting to spend prolonged periods of time in the sun (e.g. PE lessons and lunchtimes). Students are encouraged to keep to the shaded areas when outdoors and avoid prolonged exposure to potentially harmful UV rays
- Students who suffer from asthma should carry the necessary inhaler and other medication with them at all times. All medications should be declared to the school (to the Year Head, or reception who will in turn inform the Year Head)
- Nails must be kept short for health, safety and hygiene reasons. Nail polish, false or acrylic nails are not permitted.
- Long hair must be tied back in PE and practical lessons like Science and Food & Nutrition.
Before school, breaks and after school
- Students can wear a jacket / coat in the building in the morning before school on the way to their tutor group. Once at the door of the tutor room it must be removed
- Students can leave school in PE kit (e.g. when going to an activity off-site) but not with combinations of PE / normal school uniform
- Personal music players or other accessories should not be worn or used until students are off site and well away from the school. In particular, students should take extreme care when using personal music players in the vicinity of moving vehicles. Students should not wear other clothing accessories after school until they have changed completely out of school uniform
Purchasing uniform
School uniform can now be purchased from Aubyn Davies which is located on St Johns Street in Bury St Edmunds. Their opening times are Monday to Saturday 9am to 5.30pm and Sunday 11am-4pm. Uniform can also be purchased from their website www.aubyndavies.co.uk
Second Hand Uniform
We have a second-hand uniform shop where you can collect second hand uniform for free. Please message admin@king-ed.suffolk.sch.uk if you would like to visit the shop or contact your child’s pastoral support manager to see if there is stock which might fit.