Report a Concern


If you are a parent/carer with a general query about SEND, please contact the Local Offer Line on 0345 606 1490 or email

If you are enquiring about an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) that is within it’s first six weeks, please contact the EHCNA Team on 01473 263688 /

In school SEND Enquiry

Student Self Referral to the Learning Support Hub

Irlens Information

From September 2024, King Edward VI school expects any student in Year 7-11 who has been diagnosed by an optometrist with any of the following perceptual processing disorders:

  • Visual Stress
  • Meares-Irlens Syndrome (MIS)
  • Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome

Will use coloured glasses or overlays (supplied by the student) to support them with this in school.  Please could you email Mrs Farrow ( with details of their diagnosis so we can support the student and ensure our records are up to date.

Medication Shortage

Information regarding national supply disruptions to ADHD medications:

You may have heard about a national shortage of some of the medicines used to treat ADHD. These supply problems are expected to resolve at various dates between October and December 2023.

How does this affect me/my child?
Although not all ADHD medicines are affected by this shortage, one or more medicines are likely to be in short supply, or possibly unavailable.

What do I need to do?
The NHS is working hard to manage this shortage, but there are a few things that you can do to help minimise the effect on you/your child:

  1. Please only order your prescription when you have 10-14 days of your medicine left. It is important not to stockpile medicines, and your doctor will not be able to issue your prescription any earlier.
  2. If your usual pharmacy is not able to supply your medication, please try calling or visiting other local pharmacies to locate stock. Pharmacy contact details can be found via Find a pharmacy – NHS (

Patients currently taking Medikinet, Ritalin, Concerta XL, Xaggitin XL, Delmosart XL, Affenid XL, Xenidate XL, Matoride XL, Amfexa, Strattera:

  1. Be prepared that your medicine may look a little different to normal:
  • You may be asked to take different strengths of your medicine to make up the full dose.
  • If your usual medicine is not available, your GP should be able to give you a prescription for a different medicine that works in the same way and is still available.
  • Any change to your medicine will be short-term, and only until the supply problems are resolved.

Patients currently taking Medikinet XL, Ritalin XL, Metyrol XL, Equasym XL, Addepta XL, Elvanse, Elvanse Adult, Intuniv:

  1. Your GP cannot prescribe you an alternative medicine, if you are unable to find a pharmacy which can dispense your prescription, please contact the Suffolk Under 18 ADHD Service: Community | Norfolk and Suffolk NHS (  so that they can refer to the specialist ADHD team to manage your treatment.
  2. While waiting for supplies of your medicine to become available again, you may need to change to a different treatment or management plan. Your specialist will discuss the options available to you and agree on the best way to manage your ADHD until your usual medicine is available again.

Where can I go for further information?
If you’ve received a medicine which looks different to what you normally receive, your community pharmacist is best placed to provide information on it. Rest assured that any changes should only be visual, and act the same as your old medication unless directed by the ADHD specialist team.

SEND Local Offer

How can this school meet your child’s needs?

We adapt the curriculum for children with Special Educational Needs. Every child’s needs are considered on an individual basis.

The SEND Local Offer gives the details of the services available for children and young people with special educational needs and difficulties (SEND) in Suffolk.

The Suffolk Local Offer website signposts you to:

  • Specialist support services within Education, Health and Social Care
  • Advice and guidance on EHCP assessments and plans, travel and transport and preparing for adulthood
  • Local nurseries, schools, and health services and gives information about the support they offer
  • Clubs and local groups that young people can join
Links to the local offer:
Other useful links and organisations:

SEND Policy

Click here for our Equalities and Accessibility Policy

Useful Events

Creative Construction Club

Bridge the Gap – Events 2024

Psychology in Schools Team Events

Events calendar – Suffolk SENDIASS

Parent Carer Workshops

Parent Guides

Supporting a child with adhd

Supporting a child with attachment disorder

Supporting a child with attention and listening difficulties

Supporting an autistic child

Supporting a child with dysgraphia

Supporting a child with dyspraxia

Supporting a child with global developmental delay

Promoting positive behaviour

Supporting a child with working memory difficulties

Useful information


Suffolk SENDIASS – YouTube

Who we are and what we do – Suffolk SENDIASS

Leaflets and resources – Suffolk SENDIASS

Making Meetings Matter – Suffolk SENDIASS

Meeting for the Parent carer Involvement Board – Suffolk SENDIASS

Solution-focused practice toolkit

Printable Info Card – Suffolk SENDIASS

Annual Health Checks FAQ

An Introduction to the WSNDSS

SEND Strategy

Improving SEND services Survey

Community Inclusion Teams

Plan Bee Course

Why Should I go to my Learning Disability Annual Health Check when I turn 14?

Preparing for adulthood transitions guide

Bridge the Gap Provision Information

Bulletin – November 2023

Inside this issue:

  • A Focus on: Irlen Syndrome
  • Our ADHD journey

Meet the SEND Team

Deaf Resource Base

