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Computing KS4 Vocab

Key Vocabulary GCSE Computer Science OCR J277

Chapter 1 Systems Architecture


Physical parts of the computer


Programs that are used by a computer


Central Processing Unit; the main unit responsible for processing instructions


Hardware used to store data


Graphics Processing Unit; the main unit responsible for rendering and displaying images, animations and videos


A channel of communication used to transport data and instructions in the CPU


A holding place to temporarily store data and instructions as they are being processed


Part of an instruction that tells the CPU what operation to do


Part of an instruction that tells the CPU where to perform the operation

Chapter 2 Primary & Secondary Storage


The place in memory where all current programs and data in use are stored

Hard disk

A type of magnetic storage device inside a computer that is used to store data long-term


The place in memory where the ‘boot-up’ programs are stored

Operating system

The software that supports a computer’s basic functions


Separating data into sections called pages and switching the storage of them between RAM and virtual memory depending on how often they are used

Chapter 3 Data Storage & Compression


The continuous stream of data that our senses process as humans


Data that is binary and represented as 1s and 0s


A base-2 number system that uses the values 0 and 1


A device that converts analogue data to digital data


A base-10 number system that uses the values 0 to 9


A base-16 number system that uses the characters 0 to 9 and A to F


An error that occurs when the total from adding binary numbers cannot be stored within a byte of data

Character set

A list of characters used to create documents and their binary codes


A small dot in an image; many of them together create an image


Data that is stored with a file that provides information about how the file needs to be structured


A sound measurement taken at a given point in a sound file

Sample rate

The frequency at which a sample in a sound file is taken


A file compression method that permanently removes redundant data


A file compression method that does not remove any data, but compresses data by looking for repeating patterns

Chapter 4 Computer Networks

Stand-alone computer

A computer that is not connected to a network


A collection of computers that are connected together


A device that is attached to a computer system

Network traffic

The amount of data that is travelling across a network at any one time


A computer that requests data and services from a server


A computer that provides services and data for other computers on a network


A computer that is part of a network that is not controlled by a server

Data collision

The result of two devices on the same network attempting to transmit data at the same time down the same connection


Agreed-upon definition of a protocol, defining the rules of communication for network devices


The physical parts of a computer system


Additional energy that appears in a network, that causes a signal to be disrupted


Data that is delayed in transmission through an overloaded section of a network


The rate per second at which vibration occurs, creating a wave


Scrambling data to make it unreadable, to make transmitted data more secure


The largest WAN network

World Wide Web

The collection of web pages and protocols we access using the Internet


A set of rules that govern network operations


An individual section of a protocol that is responsible for one part of the operation

Chapter 5 Network Security


Software that is designed to disrupt or harm a user’s computer

Social engineering

Targeting users of systems (rather than the systems themselves) to gain unauthorised access


A security measure that prevents unauthorised traffic in or out of a network, using predetermined rules


Scrambling data to make it unreadable, to add to security in transmitting the data. The receiver can then decrypt the scrambled data to reveal the actual data.

Chapter 6 Systems Software

Systems software

Controls the operation of hardware in a computer

Applications software

The everyday programs that we use to create documents and perform tasks


The physical parts of a computer system

Device driver

A program that controls a particular device connected to a computer system

Utility software

Helps manage, maintain and control the computer’s resources

Operating system

Controls the operations of the hardware in a computer system and manages all other software

User interface

The way by which we interact with a computer system

Chapter 7 Ethical, Legal, Cultural & Environmental


Moral principles created by society

Digital divide

The ever-growing gap between those who have access to computers and the Internet, and those who do not

Open source

Where the code for the software is made freely available and it can be freely modified

Source code

The list of programming commands that are compiled into an executable program


Software that is owned by a company or an individual that is not free to be modified

Compiled code

The executable code that is created from compiling the source code


A collection of rules and laws, where people can be punished through sanctions


A punishment, or action, for breaking a specific rule or law

Intellectual property

An individual or organisations’ property that is the result of their creativity

Chapter 8 Algorithms

Computational thinking

Breaking problems down in a logical way in order to find a solution


A sequence of instructions that solve a problem or perform a task

Flow chart

A diagrammatic way to represent an algorithm


A way of designing a program in programming-type statements that are not specific to any programming language

Searching algorithm

The step-by-step procedure used to find an item of data in a data set

Sorting algorithm

The step-by-step procedure used to arrange a data set into an order

Trace table

A table that is used to trace a dry run of an algorithm

Chapter 9 Programming


A feature in an algorithm that can be met or not met, causing a different action to be taken


A sequence of instructions that is continually repeated a set number of times, or until a condition is met


The order in which a set of instructions is carried out in an algorithm


A way of creating multiple paths and decisions in an algorithm


A named storage location that contains a value that can change during the execution of a program


A way of repeating a set of instructions in an algorithm


A named storage location that contains a value that cannot be changed during the execution of a program


A set of data that is stored together, that is of the same data type


This is setting or resetting a value to a data location, such as a variable

Local variable

A variable that is declared within a function or procedure and can therefore only be used within that function or procedure

Global variable

A variable that is visible throughout the whole of the program


A named section of instructions that perform a specific task

Dynamic array

An array that has does not have a fixed length applied to it when it is declared

Static array

An array that has a fixed length applied to it when it is declared


The joining together of characters in a string


A named section of instructions that perform a specific


A named section of instructions that perform a specific task and return a value from this

Syntax error

An error in the language written in a program

Logical error

An error in a program that causes it to produce unexpected results


Software that translates a program written in a programming language into machine code that can be understood by a computer


A structured way of storing data


Techniques to check whether the input meets a set of criteria


Techniques used to confirm a users’ identify

High-level language

A computer language, in which programs are written, that is closer to human language

Low-level language

A computer language, in which programs are written, that is closer to what a computer understands


Software that translates a high-level language into machine code


Software that translates a high-level language by analysing and executing it line by line

Chapter 10 Computer Logic

Logic gate

The part of a digital circuit that controls the flow of electrical signals through the circuit


The potential difference across an electrical component


An integrated circuit that has similar functions to a central processing unit in a computer

Logic statement

A statement that is declared to be true or false

Truth table

A table that shows the breakdown of logic by listing every possible outcome

Logic circuit

Also known as a logic diagram, this is a combination of logic gates together to create a circuit

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